Luftsturm is a supplement for Luftwaffe 1946, and comprises 40 pages, plus 4 pull-out card sheets of extra aircraft stats. Roughly half of the book is background fluff, outlining the structure of the Luftsturm and the tactics planned for the various "what if" aircraft featured, while the other half is 3 pages of additional rules, and 10 scenarios that are the real core of the book. These range from small and historical (a Sunderland vs 3 Ju-88s over Biscay) to massive and hypothetical (54 Soviet aircraft pressing home a bombing raid against jet fighters, Ba-349 Natters, and even Zeppelin Rammers....)
Please note that this book is a supplement not a stand-alone rules set - you'll need either Luftwaffe 1946 or Kamikaze 46 for the core game rules.