Unlike most of my decals, this set (along with 600-GB-1, 3 and 4) is specifically scaled, rather than supplied in "generic" sizes. (Ie. my usual 24", 30", 36" and 48" scale diameters.)
Instead, these decals scale out to the regulation sizes for fighter aircraft when used on 1/600 scale models. I will also be producing "generic" sheets of RAF decals in due course, to suit other aircraft types.
Note for customers looking to do Battle Of Britain aircraft; I'd recommend getting one each of this sheet and 600-GB-3. The latter sheet (Type B roundels) has Type A roundels for underneath the wings, as well as Type B for on top, while the fuselage roundels from this sheet were by far the most common type in the Battle Of Britain.
Photo is a Tumbling Dice 1/600 Blenheim Mk I - Pack ISA 44.